The rise of the woman’s voice
She has lit my fire that’s for sure!
From the moment I heard her speak, I sat up to listen to her commanding, calm, confident and beautiful feminine tones. I had no idea who she was or where she had come from, but I could immediately feel the warm sunshine cracking through the glass ceiling. I could smell the ink scribbling onto fresh pages of the history books and exhaled with sheer joy, knowing that I am going to experience the rise of the women’s voice in my lifetime.
If you haven’t met her, please let me introduce you to Kamala Harris, the first female Vice President of the United States, the highest-ranking female elected official in U.S history, and the first African-American and first Asian-American Vice President. Does it get any more powerful than that?
You see, long before Coronavirus, there was a vibration changing the world. What started as a gentle whisper has been steadily growing in volume and influence. Forged in the shadow of subservience, oppression and domestic bliss, we are stepping into the sunshine. Now is the age of The Woman’s Voice.
A voice, no longer driven by the anger of resistance or the frustration of denial, this is the voice of reason, compassionate boundless inclusivity and loving, logical Leadership.
Today every woman’s voice can and will be heard. Every mother’s voice raised to protect children; every daughter’s voice whispered in hope; every sister’s voice lifted to the heavens to change the world.
Now is the age of reason, the age of inclusion, the age of The Woman’s Voice.
In my practice, I have come to understand that The Woman’s Voice has multiple levels that can be frustrating when trying to access. Essentially, society believes that if you want to say something, you should feel confident enough to just spit it out. Well I am here to tell you that it generally doesn’t happen that way.
Evoked by the rise of Kamala and without any self doubt or manipulation, I have made the commitment to expose the womens voice, wherever I find it. Through weekly blogs, podcasts, webinars and instalive with global influencers, my intention is to raise awareness to the deeper layers that support the woman’s voice: Including the physical voice, internal voice, collective voice, psychological boundaries, the effects of hormones, health, balance etc etc.
Today, I am personally inviting you to join the movement to find, strengthen, understand and get more intimate with your voice. The Woman’s Voice: By women, for women to equip you and empower you to be all you are meant to be and oh so much more. Follow us @llocklandbell or connect online at www.thewomansvoice.com.au we are your tribe. We cannot wait to hear your voice!
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